Fuji Fujichrome Provia 1600 (36exp)
The Fujichrome Fuji Provia 1600F is an excellent slide film from Fujifilm. It's a 400F that has a special treatment and can be pushed up to 800/1600/3200.
It delivers superb pictures with good color precision and a very fine grain.
It is perfect for packshot or portrait.
- Brand: Fujifilm
- Film Format: 35mm
- Film type: Color Positive Film / Slide Film
- ISO: 400/800/1600/3200
- Expiry date: ?
We can't give any guarantees on expired film. Some of the film have been stored in the fridge and some have not.
DutchFilmShooters stores it cold from arrival to shipment.
You should keep in mind that the film might need more light than usual because it is expired. The general rule for expired film is: 'for every 10 years, add 1 stop of light'.
You don't have to follow this rule for slide film. Just shoot at box speed.